Symposium Help Needed

One of the goals of Maryland VOAD is to engage with local and state partners to build relationships and raise awareness of what we can do to support in their jurisdiction. One of the ways we can do that is to have a presence at the upcoming Maryland Emergency Management Association Symposium in Ocean City.

Maryland VOAD will be staffing a table at this event and is looking for members to attend and engage as a representative. Can your organization have someone present for one of these days? Let Pastor Phil know.

2024 Emergency Management & Homeland Security Symposium

Register Today!!!

Upcoming Events

T-Mobile is accepting Q2 2024 applications for its Hometown Grants program through which it will invest $25 million in 500 small towns over five years to jumpstart shovel ready projects that foster local connections, like technology upgrades, outdoor spaces, and the arts to build stronger communities.

Elected officials, town managers/employees, tribal leaders, or nonprofit community leaders from small towns with population less than 50,000 can apply.

Applications for Q2 2024 (April 1 – June 30, 2024) will be accepted through July 1, 2024. Create an account and apply here.

Tool Trailer photo

Can you help equip our new tool trailer?

Our Community Support Campaign to purchase high quality tools that will be used by our volunteer work crews is underway. Maryland VOAD members have hosted the trailer on their property to support invitations for their members, family, friends, and neighbors to get involved.

Host the trailer at your location, by emailing

Visit the website for the tools list and to find out other ways to support the Community Support Campaign.

Maryland Department of Emergency Management Announces the 2024 Whole Community Integration Summit

Rooted and Ready: A Whole Community Approach

Thursday, June 5, 2024 | 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Sheraton Baltimore North Hotel: 903 Dulaney Valley Road (Towson, MD)

This daylong event will be filled with information and engagement as we examine trends, threats, and technology in partnerships and preparedness as we look at the year ahead.

Register now to secure your spot and join us in shaping a resilient Maryland, where communities thrive.

View other upcoming events.


This year, Maryland Department of Emergency Management (MDEMA) is proud to announce the rebranding of the symposium! With this transition, there is the adoption of a more inclusive approach that embraces the dynamic landscape of Emergency Management and Homeland Security.

Please click here to complete the Symposium Proposal form. Submission deadline is March 9, 2024.

For any questions, please contact Kasey Thomas, MDEMA Education Committee Chair, at

For additional symposium information, click here.

FEMA has developed a suite of materials to help improve collaboration between governments and organizations, enhance understanding, and incorporate children’s needs into plans, policies and programs.

Resources on the Community Preparedness: Integrating the Needs of Children workshop webpage provides a unique opportunity to strengthen the relationships and improve a community’s ability to prepare for and respond to disasters.

The manuals and guides can be used to conduct interactive workshops either in person or online. The workshop teaches participants how to: • Understand the importance of integrating child-specific concerns throughout their community’s emergency management program(s). • Identify necessary stakeholders to include in planning efforts. • Examine policy and program planning requirements that should be assessed for child-specific needs. • Incorporate child safeguarding principles into planning efforts.

The Rev. Phillip Huber, Maryland VOAD Chair, was invited to prepare an article for the FEMA’s Mitigation Division Resilience Report Newsletter with FEMA on the Blue Ribbon Mitigation Task Group.

Pastor Phil shared, “The Task Group was recently formed by the Eastern Shore Long Term Recovery Committee to secure funding and provide leadership for Phase 2 of our response to the tidal flooding that occurred during the unnamed, undeclared storm that happened on October 29, 2021. Phase 2 has a goal of raising $5.5 million dollars to elevate and repair 100 homes in Somerset and Dorchester counties. This project will do three important things: 1) make better stewardship of the funding dollars entrusted to us to assist families in their recovery; 2) prevent repetitive loss; and, 3) most importantly, significantly improve the quality of life for the families we are assisting.”

We are proud to share the full article here.

The Blue Ribbon Mitigation Task Group, with over 50 members, met three times in 2023 (May, June, and July), organized, and began its work. The first home elevation has begun.

Contact Pastor Phil if you are interested in joining this dynamic Group.

2023 has been a banner year for welcoming new organizations to Maryland VOAD. Learn more about these great organizations by following the links below.

Delaware-Maryland Synod, ELCA
Southeastern District- LCMS
World Renew

Kent County Office of Emergency Services

Carroll County
Montgomery County

Do you know an organization that should be part of Maryland VOAD?

Please share: or email for more information.

Dr. Earl King, my brother, a pulmonologist who lives in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, was featured in the news lately for giving a unique prescription. The prescription? “Go get a cat”— four simple words to the patient.  

According to the news account, my brother had been seeing the patient for the last number of years—a woman who gratefully acknowledges: “Dr. King has saved my life at least three times.”

In a recent visit, he noticed that she was very sad, so he got creative—and restorative—with his treatment. 

If you were a medical doctor, what unique prescription would you prescribe? For me, I would write a one-word script: “Volunteer!”

We know that volunteering benefits our health.

The Mayo Clinic states that volunteers report better physical health than non-volunteers. Research also has shown that volunteering leads to lower rates of depression and anxiety, especially for people 65 and older. Volunteering reduces stress and increases positive, relaxed feelings by releasing dopamine.

This is confirmed by the end of story mentioned above: the patient now “would like to take ‘Earlene’ [the cat] on visits to facilities that help veterans or those dealing with limb loss.”

So, I urge you to take your prescription and give us a call.  We can help. 1-800-241-8111.

Provided by Kevin King, Executive Director of Mennonite Disaster Services. Article “Kevin’s Corner” published in the MDS monthly newsletter On the Level.

(Kevin is photographed above with a volunteer following Hurricane Florence.)