Maryland VOAD currently has the following Task Groups:
These task groups (except the Unmet Needs Task Group) are not tied to a particular disaster, but instead focus on their subject matter throughout the year to work toward the Strategic Plan goals, create guidance documents, best practices, and other resources for the VOAD membership and the general public. You can find some of those resources here.
The Unmet Needs Task Group is an indigenous entity created for a disaster response with a particular community. The task group can include Maryland VOAD Members, Partners, Affiliates and community representatives. Those who serve on the task group are people who represent organizations who have interest, resources and the skill sets necessary to help the affected community reach recovery. The size of the task group with be determined by these variables. Focus is on Strategic Plan Goal 2.2.1 Coordinating Point for Community Response
Following a small and/or localized natural disaster that has significant damage but does not rise to the level of a federal declaration, resources (dollars) may not be available from local, state, federal government or members’ national organizations to support impacted Maryland residents. In many cases these residents do not have the necessary resources (insurance, savings, capability) to reach recovery. Because these types of disasters do not reach the level of damage that necessitates creation of a long term recovery committee, the Maryland VOAD Board of Directors has made provisions for the creation of an ad hoc Unmet Needs Task Group.
- An Unmet Needs Task Group is created in response to a particular disaster event and is not a standing task group. It can be formed at the request of a Maryland VOAD Member organization, the Maryland VOAD Board of Directors a local government, government agency (e.g. MDEM) or community organization.
- The charter of the Unmet Needs Task Group is to support the identification of unmet needs in the impacted community; investigate, evaluate, and prioritize those needs; support solicitation of volunteers, funds, and donations; and provide overall coordination, and in some cases, leadership for the response.
Focus is on Strategic Plan Goals 2.1.3 Promotion & 2.2.3 Disseminate Emergency Preparedness and Disaster-related Information
Focus is on Strategic Plan Goal 2.1.2 Funding
Focus is on Strategic Plan Goal 2.2.2 Long Term Recovery Response
Focus is on Strategic Plan Goals 2.1.1 Membership & 2.2.4 Develop and Establish Relationships with Organizations Who Respond to Disasters