Quarterly Meetings

Maryland VOAD members, partners, and affiliates meet quarterly to affirm and to expand our relationships with each other. “The time of a disaster is not the time to be exchanging business cards!” Our networking helps us understand each other’s capacities and strengths, giving us the ability to provide a unified, coordinated, and organized response when disasters occur. Each meeting includes an educational or best practices presentation and our quarterly business meeting.

Our meetings take place on the second Monday of March, June, September, and December, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The location of our meetings rotates to the various locations of our participating organizations.

All meetings are open to the public. Only representatives from member organizations are allowed to vote. Partner, COAD, and Affiliate representatives have voice.

Meetings for 2025 are:
• March 10
• June 9
• September 8
• December 8

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